
Showing posts from May, 2020

VeryShortStory クーポン券 / Coupons

兵卒達が野営地で飯炊きをしていた。焼かれる鳥を前に、皆んな舌舐めずりをしていた。そこへ安倍伍長殿がやって来た。「おいお前ら、その飯と俺のお肉券を交換しようぜ。和牛が食えるぞ!」ある新兵が言った。「それならこちらの旅行券と交換です、伍長殿!」 / Soldiers were cooking in a camp, and they felt hungry in front of the baked chicken. And then corporal Abe came and said, "Hey guys! Exchange your meals for my meat coupons, so you can eat Japanese beef!" A recruit said, "In that case, we will exchange our travel coupons for them, sir! "